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FORM | Process

Award Winning Garden Architecture Christchurch + Landscape Design

Award Winning Garden Architecture and Landscape Design Christchurch

No two projects are the same, so we work with you to ‘tailor’ a personalized process to fit your specific needs and project requirements.  Your design process will typically involve some of the following stages.  The documents and plans produced in the stages below can be used for consent purposes if required.


Consultation sketch plan

Craig will meet with you to discuss your project, the site and your specific requirements.  We will talk through design options and finish by drawing an A3 scale ‘concept sketch plan’ of your project.  The sketch plan is what we'd design if it was our own place.  You will leave the consultation with a clear picture of what your landscape outcome could be.  This will take approximately 2.0 hours and has a standard fee of $495 incl GST (new pricing as of January 2024) in the Christchurch area.  (Click here to see a typical example).  A travel charge may apply to site visits for this process.


Design Fee Proposal

Following the sketch plan, Craig will contact you with a fixed price quote for the design of your property.  This will also outline the stages of the design process and a timeframe for their completion.  Plans typically start from around $1800+GST.


Site Survey

A detailed site measure and survey is carried out capturing the information necessary for an accurate and site specific landscape plan to be drawn.  This includes features like existing trees, fences, changes of level etc.


Concept and Developed Landscape Plan

The initial ideas sketched at the consultation are developed and presented first as a concept plan and then finally as a signed off developed plan following your review and critique of the plan.  The concept plan is the first chance for you to comment on the proposed design.   The developed plan contains enough detail and specification that a competent landscape contractor can accurately price and build from. 

We can send you examples of our previous plans for you to look over -or you can go to our facebook page to see some recent project work. 


Construction Detailing, Written specifications and Tender packages

Detailed drawings are produced which outline the specific materials, finishes and construction methodologies for hard landscaping features.  Reference to relevant New Zealand Standards are made to instruct contractors as to the quality and performance of the items described.


Planting plan and schedules

These are documents to ensure the implementation of the plantings meets the quality and outcome desired. Plant placement, set out, quantities and sizes are detailed.



Your plan documentation is passed onto an independent, hand-picked, landscape contracting company who has the expertise and experience to accurately price and build your design.

FORM Garden Architecture

g a r d e n   a r c h i t e c t u r e   l t d

FORM garden architecture ltd | Craig Wilson | Registered Landscape Architect | 2a 212 Antigua St, Christchurch

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